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La Biblioteca Geisel

La Biblioteca Geisel es el principal edificio de biblioteca de la Universidad de California, San Diego y contiene cuatro de las nueve bibliotecas ubicadas en el campus. Es el hogar de la Biblioteca de las Artes, la Biblioteca de Colecciones Especiales Mandeville (SPEC), la Biblioteca de Ciencias e Ingeniería (S & E), y el Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Biblioteca (SSHL).

El edificio lleva el nombre en honor de Audrey y Theodor Seuss Geisel (más conocido como Dr. Seuss) por las generosas contribuciones que han hecho a la biblioteca y su dedicación a la mejora de la alfabetización. El Geisels fueron durante mucho tiempo los residentes de La Jolla, donde la UC de San Diego se encuentra.

El edificio figura en el logotipo de la UCSD, y es el edificio más reconocibles en el campus. Está ubicado en el centro de la biblioteca del campus con el pie hacia el sur, Thurgood Marshall College para su Occidental y Earl Warren a su Colegio Oriente.

The Geisel Library

The Geisel Library is the main library building on the University of California, San Diego campus and contains four of the nine libraries located on campus. It is home to the Arts Library (newly merged in July 2008 [1] from the Art & Architecture and Music, Film & Video Libraries) (ARTS), the Mandeville Special Collections Library (SPEC), the Science & Engineering Library (S&E), and the Social Sciences & Humanities Library (SSHL).

The building is named in honor of Audrey and Theodor Seuss Geisel (better known as Dr. Seuss) for the generous contributions they have made to the library and their devotion to improving literacy. The Geisels were long-time residents of La Jolla, where UC San Diego is located.

The building is featured in the UCSD logo and is the most recognizable building on campus. It is located in the center of the campus with the library walk to its south, Thurgood Marshall College to its West and Earl Warren College to its East.

The library was simply called the "Central Library" until a renovation was completed in 1993. The library was rededicated as the University Library Building. It was renamed the Geisel Library Building in 1995.


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